How often will Ecorational publish new article?

There's no guarantee, however, we are trying our best to publish one article every two weeks. To ensure the quality of our articles, we (as a newly established small community) spend lots of time collecting various references from different sources, this allows us to construct comprehensive research before publishing any new articles.

I'm already a paid subscriber for Medium, why would I subscribe to you individually when my Medium membership allows me to read articles from many other writers at the same time?

The short answer is, you don't have to. If you don't find yourself getting enough value from our research, then it's probably not worth it for you to subscribe to us individually.

The long answer is, all articles that published by us on Medium are simplified versions, which means articles are purposely maintained below a certain word count (read time), to serve a broader audience for consumption.

There are also lots of Ecorational paid members' exclusive content. For example, consumer product purchase guidelines, alternative product recommendations, In-depth analysis on an ingredient-based level, detailed explanations with chemistry theories, reports on company/product history reputation, and so on.

However, if you are on a budget, but want to subscribe to Medium and support me at the same time. Here's our New Member Special Offer. You can get 40% off for your first month!

And lastly please also take a look at the following question to see more details about what major benefits you can get when subscribing to Ecorational!

Why Subscribe (Paid) to Ecorational?

3 Major Benefits:

  1. The Trustworthy Independent Publisher. There is no corporation, no funding, no nonsense behind the ecorational site. Ecorational is run by normal people like you who seeking the ultimate way to improve their quality of life.

Subscribe to us will make sure you will get notified when there is new research published, and also we always keep our eyes on the industries, so whenever something suspicious or bad is happening, we will make sure to share exclusively with the community in no time.

  1. Ask questions whenever you're confused/unsure, or perhaps you simply couldn't find the answer on the internet. It happens to everyone, when you are not certain about things you bought/used, if it's safe to consume or apply to your body. Sometimes you just want a quick answer and you try search it on the internet but couldn't find the answer that suits you.

(Search Engines are controlled by big corps, we all knew that, we see what they want us to see). Feel free to drop us an email asking whatever bothers you, we are here for you!

  1. Join the community with like-minded people. Most of time, it's really not an easy task to spread the truth. That's why the majority of people tend to accept the lies instead of facing the brutal reality, because there's nothing they can do about it. That's exactly what the corps desire and they keep getting stronger, since we simply give up our rights to fight back, as we all think this is the war that we simply can not win.

Ecorational is your shelter. We protect you from the corrupted industries! If you like our works please consider subscribing, we need your support! So that we can post more articles in the future, spread the words to more people like you, and one day we shall fight back together!